The University of Alabama Police Department
Learn about UA’s Emergency Alerts System.
The UA Safety App provides immediate access to information in an emergency.
UA’s Office of Emergency Management
Know what to do in the event of severe weather on campus.
Where to find UA’s storm shelters
Information about parking policies on campus
Find your way around campus
Information on crime statistics, and public safety policies and procedures

UA INFO Radio broadcasts campus and safety information. Live updates are provided in the event of severe weather or other emergencies affecting campus.
During major campus events, such as football game days and commencement ceremonies, UA Info Radio provides important traffic and safety updates. The station covers the University campus, Tuscaloosa, and Northport.

John Hooks
Chief of Police
Donald Keith
Director of Emergency Management
Craig Caldwell
Director of Threat Assessment
Michael Kelley
Director of Security Technologies
Chad Clark
Director of Public Safety Compliance
Shane Dorrill
Director of Public Safety Communications